Emotion Focused Skills Training in Schools: For Education Professionals
This series of webinars teaches the core content and skills of Emotion Focused Skills Training in Schools for Education Professionals.
COURSE FEE: $99 USD (per single licence)
Access to this course content is available for 365 days.
Options are available for discounted bulk licences or for unlimited access organization-wide. Contact us to learn more - info@emotiontraininginstitute.org.
For Education Professionals
This course covers the basics of Dr Joanne Dolhanty’s Emotion Focused Skills Training in Schools. Learn this simple program in how to work with emotion in the moment that it arises, enhance motivation in school, and increase effectiveness in setting limits and expectations that promote success and well-being.
Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents is an innovative and simple program that makes complex change techniques accessible to parents.
Price: $99 USD
EFST-S Core Program
This course will be relevant to education professionals in the school system, in mental health facilities, and in the community:
- Classroom Teachers
- Early Childhood Educators
- Special Education Teachers
- Educational Assistants
- Guidance Counsellors
- School Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Child and Youth Workers
- Principals
- Superintendents
- Others (including community-based professional partners, educators in mental health and other facilities; international education professionals with other designations and roles)

Dr. Joanne Dolhanty
Founder & Program Lead
Dr. Joanne Dolhanty, PhD, C. Psych, is a clinical psychologist and the developer of Emotion Focused Skills Training (EFST).
In collaboration with Dr. Leslie Greenberg, she also developed the application of Emotion Focused Therapy to Eating Disorders.
Her approach to training is to provide a lively and warm atmosphere that facilitates personal growth and learning, and to turn complex change concepts into usable tools.
Dr. Dolhanty has taught and trained individuals, parents, professionals, and organizations globally.
EFST-S is a part of Dr Joanne Dolhanty’s effort to convert emotion focused techniques into tools for everyday use. In the education system, professionals face multiple and complex interactions with students, their families, and a host of professional partners. These interactions can be fraught with emotion in the context of devising and executing plans to address educational challenges while dealing with the frequent social and mental health barriers to success in school.
EFST is a program to support the well-being of those professionals while they work in the classroom, the office, the school yard, the counselling office, the athletics office, the School Board, or any other context. The tools of EFST are to support professionals as they navigate their own and their students’ emotions; enhance motivation to resolve emotional and educational challenges; and transform relationships among teachers, school personnel, students, and parents.
Professions of those utilizing the model include:
- Educators including Classroom Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Educational Assistants, Early Childhood Educators.
- Professional Support Service Providers including Guidance Counsellors, School Social Workers, School Psychologists and Psychological Associates, Child and Youth Workers, School Liaisons.
- Administrators including Principals and Vice Principals.
- School Board Personnel including Superintendents.
Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents is an innovative and simple program that makes complex change techniques accessible to parents.
Price: $99 USD
- Learn the content of the EFST program for education professionals
- Start to learn the basics of the model of change in EFST
- Learn how to build competence and confidence with emotion
- Understand what it means when a student appears unmotivated
- Learn about and work with competing motivations
- Enhance intrinsic motivation to change
- Begin to learn to attend to “emotion data” in others
- Begin to learn a new conceptualization of boundaries
- Learn a new boundary tool to set, communicate, negotiate, and implement limits, rules, expectations, values, and norms in your school
Course Access Duration
- 365 days
- Options are available for discounted bulk licences or for unlimited access organization-wide. Contact us to learn more - info@emotiontraininginstitute.org.
Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents is an innovative and simple program that makes complex change techniques accessible to parents.
Price: $99 USD
Session 1 – Introduction to EFST-S and Emotions 101
- Why EFST in schools
- Supporting well-being
- Integrating EFST into your school programs & values
- Overview of the tools of EFST
- The three modules of the NET structure of EFST
- The bridge metaphor for change
- Emotions 101
- Why Emotion?
- Learn about emotion
- Universality of emotion
- Emotion Basics Simplified
Session 2 – Validation
- Work with emotion
- Learning to read emotion data
- Tool: Validation
- Why validate?
- How to validate
- Practice validating
- Impact of validating: Emotion competence & confidence
Session 3 – Enhance Motivation – Feelings Traps and Magnets & Triggers
- The Brain Boss
- Hijacked
- Feeling Traps
- Magnets & Triggers
- Assess & Address
- Conversation between the self and the self
- More practice validating
Session 4 – Enhance Motivation – Competing Motivations
- The difficulty of validating
- No such thing as unmotivated
- Understanding motivation
- Competing motivations
- Using awareness
- Assessing for magnets & triggers and competing motivations
Session 5 – Boundary Style
- The old way of thinking about boundaries
- Rationale for new conceptualization of boundaries
- The new way of thinking about boundaries
- Incoming and outgoing boundaries
- Animal models for boundary style
- Assessing your boundary style
- Radical responsibility
- Boundaries without judgment
Session 6 – Boundary Tool and Wrap-Up
- Tool: Boundary PECCS
- Assess and Address
- Flex Your PECCS
- Practice using the boundary tool
- Review
Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents is an innovative and simple program that makes complex change techniques accessible to parents.